Cribbage Counter

by PriorYeti



Easy to use cribbage hand counter ends all disputes! Good for learning!

Cribbage counter allows you to select 5 cards to be counted, 4 cards and the cut card. Counts are broken down for each type of point to easily validate the points that were calculated. Great for ending counting disputes, learning how to count points, or just double checking the points you calculated in your head.1. Select the 4 cards for the hand by touching cards in the deck area. 2. Select the cut card last.3. Press the "undo" button to remove the last card chosen.4. Select the "Is Crib?" check box if the hand being counted is the crib.5. Press "count" to see the results of the counted hand.6. Press done to return and select another hand.7. Press the "clear" button to start selecting a new hand.Ad supported.Bug fixes

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Always helps in a pinch. It's the tie breaker in any dispute.

Jon Schroeder

Incredible app, works amazing 👏 great job


Absolutely brilliant app. Input the cribbage hand or crib cards easily and visually to see what cards make up the counts. I use the app almost daily to check when I can't see all the points

Rachael Murphy

Works great

Peter Bruley


Charlotte Bergman

I use this every time I play cribbage to avoid discrepancies in counting. Convienient, easy, and simple to navigate. I haven't found any miscalculations so far so thank you.

Courtney Trebesch

Cool app, I use this to practice counting.

A Google user

Good for players who want to make sure they get all there points, or players just learning.

Stephanie Croy

I use it for really tough hands or to end a dispute. So far I haven't encountered any issues or mis-counts.

Chris Thompson